Alt-Right Groups Responsible for Violent Anti-Semitic Attacks, Not “Leftist” Dems


One of the biggest Republican myths, and one that is even being pushed by naive or uninformed Democrats, is that Black Lives Matter and some “leftist” Democrats are perpetuating antiSemitism. This topic is too big to be discussed here, but if we measure violent anti-Semitic attacks, the data shows that were entirely being committed by far-right groups in 2019, according to ADL data.

…the RJC is a partner in allowing the development and execution of the Trump administration’s white supremacist policies.

The 4 Muslim,”leftist” Dems in the House don’t have the power to beat the AIPAC lobby. But sadly, one of the biggest financial supporters of Trump and the Republicans, if not the biggest, is the Republican Jewish Coalition (RJC). The RJC supports Trump, Trump supports the alt-right groups that commit violent acts, so the RJC has a role in perpetuating the violent acts.

Through its huge donations, the RJC enables Trump to retain Stephen Miller, a far-rightist, who was labeled by the Southern Poverty Law Center as an extremist responsible for creating racist and anti-immigrant policies in the Trump White House.

Certainly, the RJC, comprised of some of the nation’s most visible billionaire businessmen, has the negotiating skills and power of its millions in contributions, to force Trump to dump Miller if they wanted to.  But the RJC apparently is comfortable with Trump’s alt-right connections and its continued employment of Miller to craft and enact racist and anti-immigrant policies. This makes the RJC a partner in allowing the development and execution of the Trump administration’s white supremacist policies.



Here is the article that links violent antiSemitic acts to the right-wing Trump supporters.



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