
Get Your Firm Listed Now

Reach a New Audience

List your firm’s special services, strategies and funds in this section if you want to reach motivated, informed investors. Ideal for RIAs, attorneys, investment firms, advisors and financial planners. Listing fee is $100 per year. Advertising is also accepted. Pay on this PayPal link.

Investor Resources

Investment firms, lawyers, companies looking for new shareholders or investors, financial planners and advisors can describe their services and products in this section for a $100 listing fee per year. Limit 70 words, including hyperlinks and one photo. You can update your listing via a Facebook interface. Listing and payment accepted via PayPal at  Advertising is also accepted.

Note: The listings of investment firms, mutual fund companies, financial products and advisors on this site do not constitute an endorsement.  All investors must investigate these firms before making any investment decisions. This site is not responsible for any investment losses incurred by investors.

Registered Investment Advisory (RIA) Firms

Note: Registered Investment Advisors (RIAs) are fiduciaries regulated under the Investment Advisers Act of 1940. Independent registered investment advisors are held by law to the highest standard of responsibility to their clients that upholds them to always act in their clients’ best interests. This encourages a unique level of personalized service not always found in many commission-based, investor-advisor relationships. RIAs are registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) or state securities regulators.

Registration does not mean a government agency approves an advisor or reviews his or her qualifications. Many independent RIAs and other financial services professionals receive compensation for services in a variety of ways. You should determine which method of compensation offers the lowest total costs and best meets with your own investment interests and needs. Independent advisors use an independent custodian to hold your assets. This means your money is not being held by the same person who is investing it.

(List your advisor firmname and description here.)


Socially Responsible Mutual Funds and ETFs

Domini Funds

Vanguard FTSE Social Index

Eventide Gilead

Calvert Funds

New Alternatives Fund


Parnassus Investments

Glenmede Funds

TIAA-CREF Social Choice Bond Fund

iShares Sustainable Funds and ETFs

FlexShares Socially Conscious Funds

Socially responsible ETFs

Specialty Investment Firms

The SharingAlpha platform offers professional fund buyers the possibility of building their track record by asking them to rate funds and later ranking them according to how close their predictions matched the actual performance of the funds. SharingAlpha has become the world’s largest fund rating agency in terms of the number of professionals that contribute to its fund ratings.

Sharing Alpha

Robo-Advisory Firms

The newest entrant into providing financial advice to individual investors, robo firms use AI and sophisticated software to match your investment goals, risk tolerance, and time frame with low-expense products and low fees to get you the best return. That’s because they can do all this with a minimum of human intervention.

Schwab Intelligent Portfolios

TD Ameritrade 








Looking for New Investors

If you are in investor relations or looking for new investors into your company, a listing here could attract sophisticated people seeking new opportunities in emerging industries, such as cannabis or new ETFs, funds or leveraged products.

Credit Unions

Tired about reading when a global bank where you have your checking or savings account is involved in a national lawsuit or federal securities investigation? If so, dump that bank and select a credit union. Credit unions are not-for-profit, member-owned, and provide most of the same services provided by large national banks. They are accountable to their member-owners and because credit unions earn a federal tax exemption, their members see earnings converted into higher savings returns, lower loan rates and lower, fewer fees.

Check here for a list of the credit unions near you.


Annuity Information

Get the basics about the benefits of annuities here from  Annuities provide a fixed amount of money per month or year based on your initial investment.   The payments can be made monthly, quarterly or annually. The amount of return on your initial investment can be a fixed amount or one that varies based on the equity markets.  Some annuities also provide life insurance benefits. These products are very flexible, however, you have to ask about the fees.  Annuities have a role in providing a reliable, predictable return on an investment, but ask about the fees, expenses and redemption policy from the issuer. The site  has all of this information.


High 401(k) fees can erode your net investment returns, but you can control them.  Learn how to take more control over your investments. Get the book How 401(k) Fees Destroy Wealth and What Investors Can Do to Protect Themselves

This book could save you hundreds of thousands of dollars over your investing lifetime. This book is a must-read for anyone planning for retirement. Available on Amazon and Kindle.


Pro-investor attorneys can help investors recoup financial losses from advisors, investment firms and 401(k) advisors who abuse their fiduciary responsibilities. Here is a list of pro-investor attorneys.

(List your firm’s name here)

Advocacy Groups

Dodd Frank Financial Reform Rules and Regulations

Where professionals in the financial services industry can help each other work through adopting the practices that the financial reform bill is enforcing.

Committee for the Fiduciary Standard

The Committee advocates for the authentic fiduciary standard as established under the Investment Advisers Act of 1940. The Committee seeks to help inform and nurture a public discussion on the fiduciary standard. Its objective is to ensure that any financial reform regarding the fiduciary standard, 1.) Meets the requirements of the authentic, undiluted fiduciary standard, as presently established in the Investment Advisers Act of 1940, and ERISA, and 2.) covers all professionals who provide investment and financial advice or who hold themselves out as providing financial or investment advice, without exceptions and without exemptions.

The Economic Policy Institute

The EPI is a nonprofit, nonpartisan think tank created in 1986 to include the needs of low- and middle-income workers in economic policy discussions. EPI believes every working person deserves a good job with fair pay, affordable health care, and retirement security. To achieve this goal, EPI conducts research and analysis on the economic status of working America. EPI proposes public policies that protect and improve the economic conditions of low- and middle-income workers and assesses policies with respect to how they affect those workers.

Consumer Financial Protection Bureau

The World Federation of Investors 

Investor Alliance for Human Rights 

Ceres Investor Network 

SEC Investor Advisory Committee

SEC Investor Protection

Advocating the Fiduciary Standard


Establish a Co-Operative Business Legal Structure

Co-ops may or may not incorporate, but should draft a document stating membership requirements and responsibilities. The purchase of shares confers membership and members may vote on business issues on a vote-per-member basis. Co-ops are usually run by elected directorial boards. Profits and losses typically flow through to members in accordance with the number of shares they hold and are reported on the tax returns of the members.

For examples of how co-ops benefit workers, their business and the community, see this interview.