How Biden’s Trusted Advisors Deceived Democratic Voters and Lost the Election

Lousy leadership gave MAGA Republicans and Trump 110% of what they wanted. The DNC owes voters an explanation for this colossal loss.

Biden’s closest advisors were termed “loyal” when they covered up instances of his old-age frailties, but when does “loyalty” cross the line into “spineless”?

The mental decline of Joe Biden was observed in the middle of 2022 by close aides, and now it looks like six key people closest to Biden avoided discussing the age issue to prevent presenting him–and the American people–with bad news.

What was bad news for Biden is now a horror story for the American people.
According to the New York Times, six key people protected Biden from criticism that he was dragging down the hopes of a Democratic presidential win if he did not drop out of the race.

According to the New York Times, the six people were:
• Jill Biden, the first lady.
• Hunter Biden, his surviving son, who firmly believed Biden could win.
• Mike Donilon, the president’s longtime strategist
• Steve Ricchetti, the counselor to Biden, knew when and how to deliver information,
• Annie Tomasini, Biden’s deputy chief of staff.
• Anthony Bernal, the first lady’s senior aide, who managed Biden’s public schedule to preserve his energy and hide his frailties.

The first layer of motives for each of these people was loyalty to Biden. The two family members had their motives, including personal gain, as in the case of Hunter Biden, a proven grifter of the family name. The other four people listed in the article have to assume the blame for one of the biggest cover-ups in modern presidential history.


This story is critical because the Times reporters uncovered the names of the people responsible for the coverup.  In many DNC debacles, the names of those responsible are never revealed.  For instance, voters still need an accounting of the $1.5 billion that Kamala Harris spent on her failed presidential bid.  Where is that report? Democrats also need a report on how Hillary Clinton lost to Trump and how her campaign was mismanaged.

Covering up the facts about Biden’s mental and physical frailties is a serious charge. The people in this article should answer for their blind obedience and tell us when they knew that Biden was too frail to engage in extended presidential campaigning and why they covered it up. As Biden suggested, he would probably not have lived to serve out the four years even if he was elected.

Had these six people been honest with the Democratic Party voters, the Dems would have been able to have an open convention and mounted a better campaign with a better candidate than the vacant Kamala Harris.

The DNC still needs to publicly investigate and report this sad situation if it wants to regain the trust and contributions of Democratic voters. Until then, the DNC leadership should be considered suspect since they may also have played a role in the most significant cover-up in modern presidential history.

When Does “Loyalty” Morph Into “Spineless”?

Politicians value loyalty, but when does a loyal associate who ignores gross behavior as if it never happened become spineless?

Being spineless in Washington politics is evident every day.  We constantly hear about Republicans who are afraid to voice their concerns over Trump’s unqualified Cabinet nominees or his irrational policies. The media regularly reports on Republicans “who in private have voiced their concerns” about Trump’s planned policies.  Why do these elected officials have to voice their concerns in private?

What are they afraid of?  Is Trump a thug who will exact revenge on those he sees as disloyal? If so, how is that revenge meted out? 

The result is spineless politicians who will never be whistle-blowers or go public about public corruption.  Both Republican Congressmen Marjory Taylor Green and Matt Gaetz threatened to release the names of fellow Congressmen who had affairs or were drunk in the halls of Congress. Neither one of them ever delivered on their threats.  They are more talk than action and personify the spinelessness of today’s politicians.

The Democrats also have spineless politicians and aides. Those closest to Biden failed in their more considerable national duty to point out that Biden had deteriorated mentally and physically since he took office. Their loyalty” masked their duty to the Democratic Party and the nation.

So, if we think that being spineless is the prevailing norm, it’s no wonder we ended up with Trump.  Americans deserve spineless leadership, and under Trump, they will also get a dose of fascism.



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