An Open Letter to the DNC on Why I’m Not Contributing

Source: The Economist

Here is an open letter to the DNC (Democratic National Committee) and other national Democratic Party organizations, soliciting money from average citizens to fund the Democrat Party nationally and in state races.

Dear Fellow Democrat:

You have asked for my contribution via direct mail and telephone, but I am not giving you any contributions for the following reasons:

I believe the DNC, the people surrounding Biden, and elected officials in the senior levels of the Democratic Party have concealed facts related to Biden’s senility or old age deficiencies to preserve the Biden status quo.

Since I don’t trust the top Dem officials, especially those in the DNC, I am not donating money to any Democratic Party organization until you do the following:


• We need a detailed report on how and why Kamala Harris lost the election;
• We need a detailed accounting in a public report about how she spent $1.5 billion in donations from average American Dems;
• We need a detailed report on when top DNC officials and others learned that Biden suffers from old-age mental problems:
• We need to know why Biden did not announce he was not running for president years before he did so.
• Who encouraged Biden to remain as the presidential nominee years after he said he would be a “change agent” and would step aside to let younger people in the Dem party engage in an open primary to decide the best candidate to defeat Trump?
• We need to know why Vice President Kamala Harris was kept in the background for three years. During this period, she never developed any visible public policy expertise in foreign affairs, the environment, the Mideast, NATO, the EU, or US judicial reform. It was only at the Eleventh Hour, when the abortion issue emerged as a hot issue, that she spoke more about that, and that was only a few months before the election and years after Biden said he was going not to seek re-election.
• We need to know the names of the DNC members and their top contributors.
• We need to know the names of all Democratic Party officials and others close to Biden who knew about Biden’s declining mental acuity and when they became aware of it.

Debbie Wasserman-Schultz

It is evident to all Democrats that the top Party leadership failed in several key areas to run a competent, aggressive campaign against a pathological liar.

Historians will unearth the details, but average Americans know the outlines of this failure today. Asking Dems for their top policy priorities is a wasted exercise. None of the key issues that damage our trust and confidence in the DNC are addressed in the lists of policy priorities. The DNC is intentionally avoiding these key questions.

This situation was evident in Hillary Clinton’s 2020 loss to Trump. In that election, Clinton’s campaign manager (Debbie Wasserman-Schultz) considered Bernie Sanders, the most visible populist in the Democratic Party, as a more significant threat to Hillary Clinton than Trump. This is inexcusable, and it wasted the populist theme that Trump stole to use against the Dems. Trump did this same thing to win the 2024 election. The Dems never learn.

Even today, the top Dems are in denial.  In an interview with the Washington Post today, Jill Biden expressed her disappointment in Nancy Pelosi since she was the top Dem who had to force Biden to drop out of the presidential race after his dismal debate performance.

Jill Biden’s assertion that Joe Biden should have remained in the race explains how those closest to Biden insulated him from reality. The debate showed that Biden could not wage a presidential campaign against the more energetic and pathological Trump. Jill Biden’s public defense of her husband explains why he was allowed to live in fantasyland for a few crucial weeks before he announced his withdrawal from the presidential race.  However, other enablers close to Biden did not have the guts to confront him about his frailties.  We need to know who these people are.

Biden leaves office with the lowest presidential ratings in decades. It’s not that he did not accomplish great things through his legislative skills. Just the opposite.  But his arrogance and narcissism overshadow his achievements.

It turns out that Biden was just another very senior manager who could not relinquish control to younger, more competent, and energetic people. It’s the old, classic story of someone who overstayed their welcome in the company.  His enablers should assume responsibility for his tarnished legacy.

Once we get the answers to these questions, the Democratic Party will build confidence in its leadership, but until we get these answers, I will not send you more contributions.



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