Trump’s Insanity and the Lessons of History


Trump’s insane ideas are a repeat of other tyrants in history. The responses of those close to him are the same as others who tolerated and profited from corruption and cruelty. We don’t learn from these lessons. These events will now repeat themselves.

Donald Trump has not even been inaugurated, and already the country is being exposed to his insane ideas about annexing a country no one has ever visited (Greenland); antagonizing a long-time ally (Canada); raising import prices, so all Americans will pay more for many of the 16% of the imported goods we use every day; and ridiculing the Governor of California for wildfires that are Acts of God. Parts of Los Angeles are an inferno, as Trump taunts the governor.  That’s today. Darker, more insane hallucinations from Trump are festering.

All this happens as Republican Senators and Congressmen stand by Trump with pasted-on smiles. They are the Jokers of Trump’s Congress, and he is the dangerous clown. 
All this is happening as Trump ignores Joe Biden, who is a ghost in the White House, a diminished man who can only execute eleventh-hour decrees and pardons.

Biden missed his opportunities to find a new candidate to replace him. He let his Attorney General, Merrick Garland, waste almost two years of valuable time prosecuting the biggest crime in modern history.

Biden is a victim of his inflated ego or age-related clouded thinking that he alone could defeat Trump. If he believed that, Biden admits that he failed the Democrat Party since he needed a backup succession plan that did not include the weak candidate Kamala Harris.
In a tragic national spectacle. Biden and Trump will briefly cross paths on inauguration day. Trump will ignore him before and after. They will stand together for photos, and Trump will dust off his hand to make Biden a quick memory.

Biden is too frail to push back. Biden’s advisors and other poohbahs in the DNC should exit with Biden. They spent $1.5 billion on a campaign when they knew for many months that Biden was a frail leader, but they kept a secret to protect their privilege and jobs.

In William Shakespeare’s 1599 play, The Tragedy of Julius Caesar, Brutus and Cassius conspire to assassinate Caesar to prevent him from becoming a tyrant. Caesar is assassinated in Act III, and Brutus and Cassius commit suicide in Act V.

Senators coveted power in Rome’s glory days. Nothing has changed in 2,000 years. Trump cannot be re-elected, so Republican Senators should begin plotting today. There is not a day to lose. Trump’s insanity will be in full bloom by spring. The nation will be in clown chaos for four years, making the halls of Congress hum with rumors, intrigues, sordid stories of betrayals, and insane proposals.

But the killing of Julius Caesar in Rome by his Senators is excellent history.
Andrew Glass noted in this account in Politico, “Caesar had been preparing to invade the Parthia — a campaign subsequently undertaken by his successor, Mark Antony, without lasting results — and planned to leave Rome in the latter half of March to oversee the attack. This forced the conspirators’ timetable. Two days before the assassination, Cassius told them that, should anyone discover the plan, they were to turn their knives on themselves.” 

The Senators then moved on Caesar and stabbed him 23 times.

Glass continues: “Two days after the assassination, Marc Antony summoned the Senate and forged a compromise under which the assassins would not be punished, but all of Caesar’s appointments would remain valid. The assassination, however, would also mark the death knell of the Roman Republic; soon afterward, Rome spiraled into a civil war.”
Marc Anthony issued pardons to the killers but let them stay in power. That decision was corrupt and cynical, but it satisfied the assassins.

The corrupt and cynical abuse of government power lives. We will all see it breed in the next four years.


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