New Newsletter to Tackle the Issue of Aging With Dignity

Aging with dignity.

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Every day, about 60,000 baby boomers turn 65 and whether they retire or not, they are entering the older part of the population in greater numbers than any other time in U.S. history. According to the National Institute of Health, there are about 35 million Americans over age 65 and “this number is expected to double in the next 25 years. The oldest old–people age 85 or older–constitute the fastest growing segment of the U.S. population.” 

While many of us may never reach age 85 or become centurions, we are all aging and re-shaping how society views the elderly, which invariable will include many of the people reading this article. This societal change is causing many people to re-evaluate how we treat older Americans and what contributions they can continue to make in society which seems to diminish the value of experience, while offering fewer opportunities to contribute to society on a paid basis.

So what are the alternatives?


A new newsletter, “Aging With Dignity” is addressing this question and according to its editor, Matt Perry of the California Health Report, this topic is long overdue for more national media coverage.

“As the ‘silver tsunami’ hits America, it’s important to redefine the way we age to see later life as a time of opportunity and continued growth. Although there are a lot of people writing about aging, there are only a few independent journalists covering this beat on a full-time basis. ‘Aging With Dignity’ newsletter is intended to foster a dialogue on aging, while honestly assessing the successes and shortcomings of our treatment of elders. This is an important topic that deserves much greater coverage and we will do that in this newsletter,” Perry said.

The newsletter will cover issues related to community involvement, physical and mental fitness, opportunities to contribute to society, building financial security and news related to the aging population.



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