This is a bad time for US Jews who have to decide on supporting Israel versus supporting a candidate, Bernie Sanders, who will deliver some Jewish values to US citizens.
Trump is a corrupt, venal president, but he gets huge financial support from Sheldon Adelson and the orthodox over his Israel policies, as this Jerusalem Post article shows.
Sanders is the opposite of Trump in every way. In this bit of Jewish history, we have an example of what it takes to make hard decisions.
For this we look to King Solomon who in the Judgment of Solomon had to rule between two women who both claimed to be the mother of a child. When questioned by Solomon, the two women both revealed their true feelings and relationship to the child by suggesting to cut the baby in two, with each woman to receive half. The real mother made the decision to let the baby live. She received the baby from King Solomon.
So what would King Solomon do today in this political environment?